Lower back pain is a problem for many. There are some acupuncture points that can work to help relieve the pain in the lower back. You can do self-massage of certain acupuncture points to help stimulate the qi (chee) and get the blood flowing. This stimulation helps take away the stagnation (which is what is causing the pain) and it also helps bring in the good energy and nutrients to get your back to heal. In other words, it is what will help relieve the back pain.
The areas marked with a red dot in the body image above, are the areas that correspond to an acupuncture point in the body that would help lower back pain.
For example, the top red dot on the image is UB20 (Urinary Bladder point 20) and located laterally about 1.5 inches from the spine and at the 11th thoracic rib. To stimulate that acupuncture point, press and knead that area with your knuckles. That rubbing will help trigger messages to get the Qi and the blood moving to the lower back and clear out the stagnation and pain.
On point UB23, the next lower red dot on the image, is another point in the lumbar area of your back you can knead, rub, and even scrub. In fact, you can massage and scrub around the entire lower area of the back and this will help send energy to that area.
Behind your knees is another point that can be used to help back pain. This point, known as urinary bladder 40 (or UB40) is point you can knead and press. That action will also help stimulate the blood and qi to flow and help your back pain.
There is also an area between your achilles heel at your ankle (nestled between the achilles and your bones), also known as Kidney-3 (KI 3) and UB 60. You can pull and press this area and this, too, will help your lower back pain and help work on that pain.
There are things you can do to help relieve your back pain. You can massage and stimulate the key acupuncture points in your body that are associated with your lower back.
(Special thanks to Dr. Suzanne Friedman for beng the source of this information).
For example, the top red dot on the image is UB20 (Urinary Bladder point 20) and located laterally about 1.5 inches from the spine and at the 11th thoracic rib. To stimulate that acupuncture point, press and knead that area with your knuckles. That rubbing will help trigger messages to get the Qi and the blood moving to the lower back and clear out the stagnation and pain.
On point UB23, the next lower red dot on the image, is another point in the lumbar area of your back you can knead, rub, and even scrub. In fact, you can massage and scrub around the entire lower area of the back and this will help send energy to that area.
Behind your knees is another point that can be used to help back pain. This point, known as urinary bladder 40 (or UB40) is point you can knead and press. That action will also help stimulate the blood and qi to flow and help your back pain.
There is also an area between your achilles heel at your ankle (nestled between the achilles and your bones), also known as Kidney-3 (KI 3) and UB 60. You can pull and press this area and this, too, will help your lower back pain and help work on that pain.
There are things you can do to help relieve your back pain. You can massage and stimulate the key acupuncture points in your body that are associated with your lower back.
(Special thanks to Dr. Suzanne Friedman for beng the source of this information).
You know some GREAT stuff. Love reading the blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Amander. :-)
ReplyDeleteI wonder if I'll actually remember this next time I need it?