Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hearing a Buzzing Sound During a Qigong Treatment

During a Qigong medical assessment, the practitioner usually does what is called a "flat palm assessment" where the practitioner tunes into the energy field around and in the patient's body.  During this assessment phase, you can sense areas of heat, which typically means the patient's energy is stagnant in that location of the body.  Sometimes you can even feel "bumps" where your hand literally feels like it hit a rock.  These bumpy areas are where energy is VERY stagnant.  

During one of my medical assessments with a patient, the patient felt as if energy was literally missing from his body.  I had never experienced this sensation before. It was as if nothing was there.  The right side of his head actually felt “concave”.   

My first thought was, "He is missing part of his right brain!  I feel absolutely nothing here!"

When I started to give him his Qigong medical treatment and when I started to treat his head, I brushed the stale and stagnant energy away from his head in a raking manner.  Each time I placed my hands over his head to move the stagnant energy from his mind, I could hear a buzzzzzz.  

I again moved my hand to his head to again rake the energy and again I heard "BZZZZZZ."

I stopped and looked around me to see what was creating that buzzing noise.  There was no electrical equipment around me.  

I went back to his head to again rake more of the stagnant energy away from his mind and as I raked, I again heard, "BZZZZZZZ."

I turned again and nothing was there.  

I swiped again and there again was that buzz sound.  I then thought he must have a hearing aide in or some type of metal device around his head.    

He didn’t.  

I again kept swiped his head and again heard that buzz.  

I decided this was one of my "mentally hearing something" that is not physically present kind of moments and was alerting me to the fact that his brain was not firing correctly or his mental wiring was not quite right.

I then swiped and raked the energy a few more times and then the buzzing noise finally stopped and I continued his treatment.
The patient later shared how he had his "head bashed in" decades ago.

The Qigong treatment helped somewhat with that clearing of some of the stagnant energy in his brain, but there is some permanent damage there where no energy seems to be going. 


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A Quesaksaderak and Medical Qigong Master