According to Chinese Medicine, Premenstrual Syndrome, or PMS (as it is known on the street) is due to Qi (chee) being congested. When Qi gets stuck it can produce some common PMS symptoms, such as backache, headaches, cramps, breast tenderness, fatigue, weepiness, depression, and a smidge of irritability (OK....a LOT of irritability.)
Chinese herbs are a great way to help treat these PMS symptoms and the herb that every practitioner seems to recommend is
This herb is very effective, safe, and has very few contraindications (if any). For those of us who are novices at this Chinese herb stuff, I was told that not even I could screw it up, so there you have it. It is safe.
The American name for this herb is also called "Happy Pills" or "Happy Tea" because it helps you “go with the flow” and can ease your anxiety. (Several of the students in the class were raving about this herb in class, and to be honest, they seem to be the happiest students in class. I now think the tea they were sipping during the lecture has something to do with their happy mood.)
other names for this herb includes “Easy Wanderer”, “Happy Pills”, “Ramblin Power”, or “Free and Easy Wanderer”. You can even purchase this herb at Whole Foods under one of those American slang names, and since I'm lousy at remembering the proper Chinese names of things, I appreciate the slang to help remind me what the herb is supposed to do.
Even though I am long past the days of PMS possibilities, I'm going to get some of the Xiao Yao San just in case I get a smidge of some MENOPAUSAL IRRITABILITY. I will swallow some of those herbs and go with the flow.
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