Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Medical Qigong is Complimentary to Western & Eastern Medicine

A friend of mine wanted to know, “What is this Qigong thing you are now doing?  What is all this hubbub about?” she asks.

“Do you have to take off your clothes?” she asks.

“No.  You stay fully clothed and lay on your back on a massage table and then just relax,” I say.

“Is this one of those laying-on-of-hands sort of things?” she asks with a bit of trepidation in her voice.

“No.  There is little if any touching involved.  It is not at all like what you see on TV with an evangelical preacher commanding the evil spirits to go away.  This is about tapping into Qi energy and getting it to move to where it needs to be. Qi energy is the energy that helps you heal as well and be well.  

“Sounds like voodoo medicine to me,” she responds.  “I don’t believe in that shit stuff (OK, she said shit, but I'm changing it to stuff).

“It is not voodoo.  It is about healing energy, the same energy in an acupuncture treatment.  To me this is an expansion of medical knowledge.  It is about energy and directing that healing energy, to where it is needed most.  It is a way of tapping into your own internal energies and guiding them to where you need them.  It is similar to how acupuncture works, but without the needles.  You don’t have to believe in it to have it work.  It just does."

We left the conversation there, hanging in the air.  She may or may not come in for a treatment, and that is OK.  Either way is OK.  Qigong as just another option for keeping you well, or getting you to be as well as you possibly can be. 

Qigong is a complimentary option health and wellness issues. It is complimentary to other health care modalities, including western medicine.  It is a way of getting and keeping your body, mind, and spirit to be balanced and in working order.  

It really does work!  You don't even have to believe in it to have it work.


Saturday, March 24, 2012

What is a Qigong Practitioner?

A Medical Qigong Practitioner is certified by a Qigong Master and has completed training courses and an internship to become qualified to practice Medical Qigong.

A Medical Qigong Practitioner has learned to sense and feel areas within your body that may be blocked or causing you problems, such as disease, pain, or fatigue. This ability allows a unique view of what may be needed to help you heal and become more balanced.

Medical Qigong is the skillful practice of gathering, circulating, and applying life force energy to improve health and control illness.  It is the energy branch of Chinese Medicine and uses techniques to help a person manage and improve their health. The effects are similar to acupuncture, but without the needles.

Qigong is NOT a religion.  It is a way to optimize one's state of health and wellness by balancing and harmonizing your body, mind, and spirit with each other.  The effects really can be rather amazing.  

The treatments focus on directing Qi to where it is needed in your body. It is not painful.  It is not intrusive.  There is very little (if any) touching involved.  You stay clothed, and just relax while the practitioner directs energy to where it is needed.  

Some patients just feel deeply relaxed during a treatment.  Others may see colors, see visions, get answers. Many have their pains disappear during or shortly after a treatment.  Some will feel refreshed, as if they spent the day at a spa.  A few have cried during a treatment because moving Qi and subtle energy can release bottled up emotions.  The results will vary by individual.  

Qigong can be a rather amazing experience for the majority of people.  Most will feel better, more balanced, relaxed, or even energized at the end of a Qigong treatment.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Qi-gong is Like Having the Key to Go In the Back Door

Sometimes programmers put in what is called a "back door" in a computer program as a way to gain access into the system that only they know how to access.

This is what Qi-gong is like for me.  It is like discovering there is a back door into the human body and being able to go in and not only assess what is happening, but treat from within.

I have been a nurse and been involved in western medicine for many, many years, and western medicine is what I now call, the front door.  When I started to learn about Chinese Medicine in Acupuncture school, it was there I learned about the existence of other access points into the human body that was an alternative to the front door approach.  But when I learned about Qi-gong, it was as if I was now given the very key that opened into the entire human body, mind, and spirit itself.  I now had the key to open and go into that back door!

When I learned to open that door, it was as if I was now able to see, feel, and hear what is actually going on inside a person's body, mind, and spirit as if I was in the middle of the action.  It is that amazing of an experience.

This is how it works for me.  When I first start a Qi-gong session, I visually ground myself and then visually ground the patient.  I usually begin with an assessment of their entire energy field, and after that, I start to focus on one organ, such as the liver..  It is usually at this point that I am allowed into the person's energy field and now start to see, feel, and sense their different organs and systems.  This is when I have the awareness I have been allowed into this person's back door and my senses are receiving information about what is going on inside this persons body.

Once I am in and have that awareness I am getting information about their organs and body, I begin to assess things one by one.  I may see or feel something in a certain part of the body or with a certain organ.  For example,
  • "Oh, those lungs look swollen and some areas in the lungs seem very constricted.  They are not elastic like they should be. His asthma is worse than he is letting on."  
  • "Yikes, those bones are rubbing against each other and there is no cushion in the joints at all. I will direct energy to those joints to lessen her pain."
  • "Her kidneys are dry, dry, dry.  No wonder she has back pain. I'm going to fill her kidneys with Qi until I sense they are plump and pink."
  • "Her heart is broken and can feel her sadness in her heart and lungs. She needs to have that stagnant energy purged and then needs new vibrant energy directed to her heart and lungs. It will help her to not feel overwhelmed with grief." 
  • "Energy is blocked and not flowing in her left eye. I will need to purge the blockage there and get things to flow in her head and in her eye. I can see how this is causing her eye to not heal."
  • "This person's left side of his head is cold and even feels concave. He is not getting enough energy flowing to that side of his brain.  It is no wonder he is having headaches and feeling stressed and uptight."
  • "Her liver sparkles.  There is no problem in her liver."
  • "I can tell she is burning the candle on both ends of the day because when I look at her kidneys, they are gray.  They should be pink.  She needs more energy directed to her kidneys or she is going to start having health problems."
  • "Her Spiritual Guide is in the room and wants me to direct energy up the bottom of her feet to help her ground and connect with the earth."
Those are the types of things I see (and hear) when I go through that Qi-gong back door during a  treatment session.

Qi-gong can be, for some practitioners, a way to access the patients energy field and be allowed in through that back door to see (or sense) what is really going on inside the person's body.  With that type of access, a practitioner can help direct energy to identify what is going on, or can help direct energy to help the body heal and/or get in balance.  This process of back door access allows a different way to treat and heal.  It is like being able to go in the back door and treat from the inside out.

It is remarkable.  It really is.


About Me

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A Quesaksaderak and Medical Qigong Master